About René

Once my interest in filmmaking was sparked by an 8mm camera during my high school years, I started out as a loader and later as 1st AC on 35mm film in 1987 in Berlin, Germany. I got into film school in 1988. Starting around 1992, while still in film school, I began to pick up work as a Cinematographer and Videographer on a variety of projects, requiring a variety of shooting styles. In 1994, after 10 semesters at the renowned film school in Potsdam-Babelsberg "Konrad Wolf" (nowadays "Film University"), I graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Cinematography.


I moved to Los Angeles in 1996 and soon afterwards co-established juriFilm Entertainment, Inc., a production company, postproduction facility and dedicated service provider, outfitting camera crews for TV clients, mostly from the  German and European TV markets. For more than 25 years as a cinematographer and videographer in the independent film and television business, I have worked for every major broadcast network out of Germany as well as many other international clients.


Around 1999 more and more project requests came along that got me involved with the narrative and fictional side of filmmaking. Since then I have operated and DP'd more than a dozen full-length feature films which had a wide range in budget and a variety of creative styles - depending on the director's vision.


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Filmography "Das DP"
A selection of projects René has worked on as Cinematographer
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